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Quick Pickles are some of my absolute favorite snacks in the world. They are not fermented, nor are they canned, but they are put into a jar, covered with a brine and refrigerated. The whole process of this quick pickle happens in about 5 minutes. Yes, you can make pickles in 5 minutes, it's true. I made these recently on a Saturday morning, and they were super tasty and marinated by our friend's barbeque that night. Think of a quick pickle as a marinade, and you will eliminate a whole lot of questions from your friends and fam in regards to canning. This is not canning, it's quick pickling...totally different. Nonetheless, you will look like an absolute rockstar cheffie to most of your friends. Food in jars is downright beautiful, nostalgic and deeeelicious! Quickle it!

Makes 2 1-Pint jars

2 1-pint wide-mouth mason jars with lids

1 pound small cucumbers

3 cloves garlic

1 tablespoon coriander seeds

1 tablespoon whole peppercorns

1 tablespoon sugar

1½ tablespoons kosher salt

⅔ cup white balsamic vinegar

1 cup water

1 large handful fresh dill

1. Wash two mason jars and lids in hot soapy water, rinse, and let air dry.

2. Quarter the cucumbers into four slices each, lengthwise. Cut 3 cloves garlic in half. If desired, slice 4 chili peppers in half and add to the jars.

3. In a small saucepot, combine the coriander seeds, whole peppercorns, sugar, kosher salt and white balsamic vinegar. Heat just to simmer, stirring until the sugar and salt dissolve, and remove from heat. Add 1 cup water to the mixture.

4. In the two clean mason jars, tightly pack the cucumbers, garlic and fresh dill.

5. Pour the warm brine mixture over the cucumbers. Tap the jars on the counter to release any air bubbles and top off the jar with extra water if any cucumbers are exposed.

6. Place the lids on the jars and screw on the rings until they are tight. Leave the jars in the fridge for 24 hours before tasting. The pickles last up to one month refrigerated.

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